Make Money doing what you love!
Making money can be fun and by doing so you can have a bigger impact in the world and live your best life! I'm here with Motivation Inspiration & Encouragement - MIE - and a whole lot of fun to get you on your purpose and fulfill your calling.

Let's Get Started!

Lighthouse Intensive
Get more of your ideal customers and patients, make more money and align with your true self!
In this workshop you will gain clarity on your lighthouse and position yourself to get more of your dream patients, make more money and LOVE going into your practice!

Prices and Program Workshop
Create Programs out of your services for the win-win!

Programs for you and your wellbeing
Uplevel and Succeed in your Business
I crafted these programs to streamline the operational aspects of your business, allowing you to devote more time to your passions, helping others and doing what you love.

Love Your Practice Program
Transform your Practice & Life
This is my signature program, created out of years of teaching and coaching. Together we co-create a life & practice for you where you work LESS, doing what you love while making MORE money.

VIP COACHING & Consulting
Accelerated Program for Maximum Impact
If you're looking for maximum impact in an accelerated program, Doctor East is now also offering VIP Coaching and Consulting.
Upcoming Master Classes

Create an Online Course/Program – Coaching Upgrade

12-Month Blueprint for Success
Committed to bringing out the best version of you and elevating the frequency of the planet while doing so...
Hi, I'm Doctor East!
Move from Burnout, Unmotivated, Fearful and/or lacking Purpose or Passion – to Confidence, Clarity, Abundance, Prosperity and feeling on Purpose while answering your calling in life.
With a commitment to helping others actualize their full potential and wellbeing, I have been a licensed practitioner of integrative medicine since 1999. In 2013 I obtained my doctorate in acupuncture and oriental medicine (DAOM) and since 2018 I have dedicated myself to holding a space for people like you – the ones holding a space for so many people in the world. Who holds a space for you? Who sees all of you and your highest potential? Who will motivate, inspire and encourage you to fulfill your mission on this planet and answer to your calling? I DO!
Over the years, my private practice has focused on the use of East Asian Medicine, nutrition and aromatherapy in the treatment of fertility, anti-aging/rejuvenation, sports therapy, and over-all well-being. For several years I worked with the San Diego Fertility Center offering pre and post Assisted Reproductive Therapy (ART) treatments and for two years I was part of the Mind Body Medical Group at the Chopra Center in Carlsbad, California. I speak on Living Life in Your PJs (tethered to your passion, purposse, joy and service to others), Optimal Wellbeing: Ancient and Modern Approaches, Mindset, Manifestation, Radiant Aging: Ancient and Modern Day Secrets to Longevity and Living Your Best Life as well as MIE for Health and Wellness Practitioners – Motivation, Inspiration and Encouragement. Let’s face it, health and wellness practitioners need to have their own mind, body and souls filled so that they can continue to do the same for others. That’s my specialty. Let’s work together to not only take you to the next level in your business and life, but to tether you to your CALLING IN LIFE.
I am the founder of:
www.UltimatePracticePlaybook.com and
My ultimate mission, vision and calling is to help elevate every individual on this planet so they may experience optimal wellbeing.