50 Days to a Higher Frequency Challenge
By Doctor East
You have desires on your heart. Dreams. Goals. Wishes and wants. You would not be given these things without also being given the ability to manifest them into your reality.
This 50 Day challenge was created to initiate the internal and external transformations required to bring you closer to obtaining your desires.
By raising your frequency you will become a magnet for more of the good things in life. More happiness, money, more love, more health, wealth and even miracles.
I do not believe you found this program by accident. Perhaps your higher self called it into your life. Maybe God/the Universe/Source/Creator sent it to you to use as a tool to finally receive all of things for which you have been praying and asking.
Each day, for 50 days, there are only 7 requirements (7 holds a frequency of spirituality in numerology):
- Follow a high-frequency nutrition plan
- Journaling
- Give appreciation to someone
- 10 minutes of connection to a higher power
- Two 30-minute workouts
- Read 10 pages or listen to 30 minutes of personal development/growth content
- Frequency raising assignment in the workbook
I will be holding 5 live zoom calls to support the program and participants will get a workbook and journal to use while going through the challenge.
Is this challenge callling you?

Either way, if you follow this program for fifty days straight you WILL raise your frequency. You WILL see incredible transformation in your life. You WILL begin to live a life of your dreams AND if you continue to practice and implement what is outlined in these fifty days you just may find yourself living a life beyond your wildest imagination. A life abundant in HAPPINESS, LOVE, WEALTH, HEALTH, ABUNDANCE and GROWTH, EXPANSION and AWARENESS.

The path of a thousand miles begins with one step. So let’s begin our journey together. You are not alone. You are never alone. Within this program you will be asked to spend time alone so that you may connect with God/the Universe/Source/Creator/the Field/Ascended Masters/Angels/Your Higher Self – or what I light-heartedly refer to as “upper management”. The idea here is to draw on the higher power that is all around us, permeates us and co-creates life with us. A name does not matter as it would never give it justice. Refer to this higher power however you like and in a way that makes you feel supported, loved and empowered.

I have been a healthcare provider for nearly three decades now and one thing I have learned in all this time is that when we raise our frequency, everything in our lives improves. That is the first “why” behind me creating this program, workbook and journal. The second “why” is this:
Imagine a world where EVERYONE worked on raising THEIR frequency. Rather than spending energy, attention and capacity on negative things like criticism, complaining, comparison and judgement, everyone spent their energy, attention and capacity on raising their frequency. Imagine a world like that. How high can we go?
Let’s find out. It all starts with you. It starts with me. It starts with each of us doing the work ourselves. I’m committed to living a high frequency life and continuing to raise that frequency. Are you? If so, join this program now and allow the alchemy to transform your life into more of what you truly desire.
Program Details:
Investment $2950 $1,111
Begins January 6th, 2025 10 am Pacific
Your Program Includes
- Program workbook and journal
- Weekly video modules sent at the beginning of the week
- Live Zoom calls for the duration of the program
- Accountability and collective support
- Pre and Post Assessment
- Upon completion you will be added to the Leader Board
- Upon completion you will receive a Finishers Gift
I will be holding a free webinar on December 18th to go over the program and share some secrets. Click here to register to join us. Replays will be sent out to all who register in case you cannot make it.